Teo · 16 answers · 4y

How many times have you asked out / actively pursued a person you found attractive? Is it an easy thing for you to do?

Like in for reals life and not on something like tinder? Zero times, I think I'd probably be okay now if I was to try but before I didn't even bother

Never. I can't even do basic social human being stuff, like small talk with people I'm not attracted to, let alone get friendly enough with someone I'm attracted to and have the confidence to ask them out.

I've only asked one person out... 0% success rate :/ Its a very hard thing to do.

Once. It's not easy at all and he ended up leading me on anyway so I'm not about to do that again any time soon.

I have never liked to pursue. It’s not my thing unless I know it’s a sure bet, but then that’s no fun.

It is well outside my comfort zone to ask people out. I usually assume that I am no pleasurable company, so why try?

I almost wet my pants each time but I do it. There were many when I decided not to ask bc it was obvious they were not interested, and about a dozen or so when I felt they might be interested, and I have been asked myself a couple of times too.

A few times.. It's still a pretty nerve wracking experience, but like Sean said, the worst that could happen is they say no. Try to find an opening, make conversation with them and if they mention a new movie or restaurant invite them to it.

Tons of times - it was terrifying at first, but even if it's a no, it stings a little less every time as you build up experience and learn from your inevitable screw-ups and at some point it'll just be another Tuesday except you'll be chill enough about it that it becomes attractive and increases your chances

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