Teo · 11 answers · 4y

In what ways do you find yourself trying to break cycles of harmful behaviors/thoughts that your parents may have inflicted on you?

I look to other people I admire whom I can make my role models. Essentially, I follow their example. That's what I've slowly been doing since immigrating, observing the best lifestyles and attitudes of those around me and changing what I've been raised to think and do. I've become way more open-minded and kinder with myself this way.

My dad is a little bit of a hoarder and I think I am too but luckily not quite as bad. I've been trying not to buy anything that I don't actually need at the moment

The big one I've broken recently is the idea of waiting for companies to develop me.

My parents wanted me to respect respectable people so much they trained me to be humble and basically a servant before I saw the lot. I sometimes fall back into that behaviour. I act as if I wear a black ultra-short dress with white blouse and a ribbon in my hair and like at age 12. This sort of zombie infection in my brain is really disturbing.

Sleep with older women who want me to call them mommy 😛

Seriously, that voice in my head is never completely going away, and I don't know what I can do other than ignore it, which has a less than 100% success rate

Always get up. Never give up. Don't let the world destroy me for being a horrible person and a loser*.

*Thank's daddyo!

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