Teo · 14 answers · 4y

How's your handshake grip? How do you feel when the other person's grip is quite tight? What about when it's loose? Do you care about all this hoopla?

I think it's not the kind of handshake that's categorized as tight. I've encountered people that told me I should grip tighter but I couldn't care less.

I’d prefer it to be tight vs shaking my hand like it’s a dead fish. Makes me think that the other person might think I have cooties.

I prefer an honest grip. Not a slimy hardly there grip, nor a: I squeeze your hand bones to pieces grip.

My handshake grip probably really lacks vitality because I only shake hands with folks reluctantly. All handshakes make me feel resentment. I don't understand why people want to do handshakes when we could just high five as we heely past each other.

I can’t say I’ve ever put much thought into mine, but I suppose I prefer a decent grip from the other person rather than one of those half-hearted limp ones where you end up shaking their fingers.

I think it's decent tbh. When other people's grips are tight I'm like oh boy this is a confident assertive person, and when it's loose I definitely notice that there's zero grip. I don't care about it, it's just an interesting way to read someone's level of confidence.

Handshakes are supposed to be firm is what we're constantly told but I find no one is bothered with my weak handshake. Half the time they even comment on how warm or soft they are.

I’ve always thought I’ve had a great handshake. Not too tight of a grip, but firm. Recently I’ve been shaking hands with a lot of professionals and I’ve noticed that the majority of them really squeeze your hand, almost overpowering my firm handshake.

The longer I haven't seen a friend, the tighter the greetin is.
Else I don't think about business handshakes, they just happen.

I judge their squeeze and adjust accordingly.. If they're firm then i am soft and i'll go light:)

Tight is fine, if its too much I think they are business school psycho, the weak shakes are particularly noticeable - and not in a good way. I care for about 5 seconds after the shake unless its like shaking a flipper.

Average? I don't think about it a ton, maybe a little more when it's a woman, but only to the point where I don't want her to think I'm an aggro dipshit trying to assert dominance over them - that's what I generally have in my head when some dude tries to fuse my fingers

My grip is fine, I don't mind if the other person's grip is too tight or loose it doesn't mean anything to me. To me it's one of those things that doesn't matter but everyone else thinks it does so you have to play along with it

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