
Highlights: a taekook anthology

A collection of literary and visual works featuring the love story between Taehyung and Jungkook ♡

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Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hey do you also know an epub reader that has a dark mode? 🥹 Thank you!

Books from Apple should have dark mode! Because of our fixed-layout epub, the modes can't be changed. If there is interest, we can create another version of the epub without any of the illustrations so that it can be adjustable on apps!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hi. May I know your recommendation for an epub reader? Mine can’t seem to open it as is.

The epub file can be opened with standard book apps on mobile/tablets like Books for Apple! Due to the images, we had to export the epub as a fixed-layout epub file, which is why it opens somewhat similarly to an epub. However, it's still able to be opened with your typical free apps!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hi what will happen when pre orders close? The cost will be higher?

those who preorder are guaranteed to have a copy! we're unsure yet if we will have leftover stock for sale and product cost for leftover sale would be determined at a later time ☺️ if you do really want a copy, your best bet is to get it during preorders!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

if i buy a digital will i get all the stories?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Do you choose the GO admins? Idk if I can trust one of your GO’s 😵‍💫😵‍💫

We reached out to a few and had some people reach out to us as well! Ultimately, we recommend that you look at them individually and decide whether or not you’re comfortable with them. You can still order from our store otherwise! If you have specific concerns with our GOs and feel like it is important for us to know, feel free to DM us ☺️

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I wanted to ask if there was a GO for USA? Or is the shipping based in the US?
I also wanted to ask how would the stretch goals work? If I preordered now, will I still receive the stretch goal bonuses that's already been reached? Thank you!

Shipping is from the US and yes, all stretch goals will be included for all physical orders!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

hiii! is there an update for the GO in the philippines? :(

Hi! The GOM was resolving some other issues last week but the post should hopefully go up sometime this week 🤍 thank you so much for your patience!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

hi! how does the uk group order work?

Hi there! Apologies for the late response — we're still waiting on the post and a reply from our UK GOM (@MagicShop_UK). They will be posting a GO tweet for Highlights and they'll include a form on their twitter. We'll be sharing it as well once it's up! 🤍

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