Twiyor Zine
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Anonymous Agent · 2y

Hi! I'm really interested in learning about the production of zines, would you consider taking on a production or social media intern for the zine? I have no experience unfortunately to apply as a head one but I really wanna learn!

Hi, anon! As much as we'd love to have an intern on our team, our mods unfortunately do not have the time at the moment to take on an intern on top of their modding duties.

We apologize for that, and we wish you well in all your modding endeavors in the future!

Anonymous Agent · 2y

Hello, what's the previous modding experience of the mods?

Anonymous Agent · 2y

your finance/production mod has no finance experience, and very little completed project experience. given the current climate of the zine community, how can this team assure potential buyers & contributors that this project will succeed?

Hello Agent!
I have ample IRL experience with related subjects. I have ordered yearbooks, lanyards, posters, stickers, and more for my job. I have also professionally managed budgets of more than 5000USD.
Furthermore, I will not be overseeing the PayPal account. We will be adding an experienced shipping mod to the team who will be the one handling the money, so I suppose you could call me a "finance logistics" mod instead of just the "finance mod".
Lastly, after the recent zine community developments, I have signed a legally binding contract to protect both the zine and myself.
Thank you for asking!
Mod Quinn 🌻

Anonymous Agent · 2y

Hello hello! What mod positions are you still looking to fill?

Hello Agent!
We will be looking for formatting, art, and shipping moderators.
- Mod Quinn 🌻

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