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Banhammer Bait · 2y

I'm Dave Coulier, AMA! Best known as Joey Gladstone on Full(er) House. I'm thinking about joining retrospring, can't wait to be the first famous guy on there if I do.

LaDamaX · 12 answers · 2y

What keeps you up at night?

Sometimes my brain is in 'planning mode', I've learned when that happens I should write a list and then do something that'll tire me out.

Arthur · 7 answers · 2y

What's an useful subject which should be teached at school? Me: advanced basic maths

LaDamaX · 12 answers · 2y

Can you grow a mustache/beard, or have you ever sported one? Your thoughts on facial hair?

I can just about grow a beard - no gaps but its not a full as I'd like (canadian lumberjack thick please)

LaDamaX · 9 answers · 2y

Do you ever attend social or family events more out of obligation than a true desire to go?

Oh for sure, I'm an introvert - I basically need to be dragged to large social gatherings.

LaDamaX · 10 answers · 2y

What is your least favorite month? Why?

Dingus · 7 answers · 2y

What happened to you today?

Basically hung out with some friends all day, went for a long walk it some lovely grounds and mansion gardens. Was nice - shocked I'm not sunburnt. Then watched Eurovision with some people (can't believe UK got 2nd - we normally get last!).

LaDamaX · 12 answers · 2y

How do you pronounce Tuesday? Does it sound more like “Chewsday”?

Daniel · 11 answers · 2y

Why is it so hard to make new friends as an adult?

I think its hard to make friends with everyone as an adult, but the formula of 'hang out with them until they see you as a mate' is tried at tested.

Arman · 10 answers · 2y

[Stolen from Quora] Why do people wear clothes at home?

Arthur · 11 answers · 2y

(inspired by Shannon) How many friends do you make a year?

Arman · 7 answers · 2y

[Inspired by the TV series "The Big Bang Theory"] How would you know you turned into a giant if everything around you was to scale?

...air/oxygen consumption..? Theres only a finite amount in our atmosphere at any given time after all.

Merida · 9 answers · 2y

I'm thinking about getting an air-fryer. Do you have one? Would you recommend it?

People swear by them, but my mum has had one for about 10 years and maybe used it like 5 times.

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