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Merida · 7 answers · 2y

Who's inviting for Thanks Giving's Day?

Merida · 5 answers · 2y

What's anger?

A natural emotion that discharges disharmony when expressed with love rather than spite. I think it's an intense, immediate and adverse reaction to being mistreated (or to the perception of having been mistreated).

Arthur · 8 answers · 2y

Wish me luck today, I'm about to "decide" my future and I can't have a low score at this exam 😬

g/luck. remember they say your first answer to a multiple choice question is the most likely to be correct.

BidenLadysMan · 1 answer · 2y

Are humans the only species on earth that enjoy eating spicy foods?🙂

We're pretty unique in that respect, but I'm not sure if we're absolutely unique. I do know that we supposedly evolved the preference from habitially putting spicy stuff on our foods in order to kill microbes..

BidenLadysMan · 1 answer · 2y

I want to watch a movie franchise I've never seen before, should I watch The Harry Potter movies or The Pirates of the Caribbean?🙂🙃🙂

They're both great, but if I had to pick one I think I enjoyed Harry Potter slightly more. The more I think about it, though, the less I'm sure. Anyway I'd really recommend you see both.. I'd also recommend the LOTR trilogy and the The Matrix trilogy.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

out of all the people who left so far, who do you miss and who don't you miss?

i'd have to be reminded who everyone was who left. off the top of my head i only miss Goli and Wasserpistole.

#4001 · 3 answers · 2y

Conspiracy theories are lame.
Care to give a conspiracy fact?
(hard mode: no CIA)

#4001 · 7 answers · 2y

Do you treat the smiley button as a "read ✔" notification, when you actually smiled, when you liked it or something else?

i click the smiley button when I like something or it's a response directly to me. i don't smile irl. :p

Arthur · 4 answers · 2y

Do you like vocaloid music?

*looks up vocaloid* I haven't heard it (that I know of). Chances are, unless it's absolutely angelically euphoric, I wouldn't like it because it's so unnatural and fake.

Wasserpistole · 7 answers · 2y

I have to go. This is my last message to all of you. Take care. Bye.

Wasserpistole · 4 answers · 2y

Beethoven: Für Elise or Moonlight Sonata?

Arthur · 5 answers · 2y

Should I be worried if my bank tells me I need more money for a purchase, except I haven't tried to buy anything?

BidenLadysMan · 1 answer · 2y

Do you prefer seeing movies in theaters or TV? 😁

usually at home (on computer, actually) mainly because that way I can take breaks whenever I want to. if it's a really graphically oriented movie then I might prefer to see it online to get the full experience.

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