Kate Matsuda

Born and still living, ask for details if nosy ;-)

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Merida · 8 answers · 2y

Does self confidence (in others) scare?

To me this is an attractive feature. Confidence for me is sexy. But I see that other people sense this as a highly unwelcome feature. Especially with women. A guy has to be confident and tall and a girl has to be shy and small. So some women fake the shy and small and non-confident and some guys fake the tall and confident sharky character. However most humans possess both features.

Daniel · 11 answers · 2y

How many calories do you think you could eat in one day without big problems?

Daniel · 8 answers · 2y

Are you good with your hands?

Dingus · 8 answers · 2y

What's your best bit of advice for your fellow Retrospringers?

Be nice to each other. Think of all those people you didn't meet who could have made a day worse, but you enojoyed a friendly word from a stranger instead? But also think about the friendly person you didn't see who could have made your days very bright, but instead you spent "likes" on FB ? Better be friendly, the toxic suckers are already outnumbering anybody else.

Merida · 8 answers · 2y

Have you seen the Squid Game?

I did see about 20 minutes of it that got me convinced to not see any further. That's not my cup of tea obviously.

Merida · 7 answers · 2y

How easy is to get you drunk?

I know two such states of being drunk, one with beverages and one with persons I like who make me feel excited. The former might take half a bottle of red wine , the latter is hardly predictable.

Merida · 7 answers · 2y

What have you been caught up in lately?

Lazyness, nightwalks, shooting with Madame Renard who is such a lovely Muse and great woman and living a bit in panic since I must work again on Monday.

Arthur · 7 answers · 2y

How good is your house, compared to the rest of the neighborhood?

This house is newer than both of the neighbouring houses. To the left is a 200 year old building and to the right is a 80 year old building. This one is from the 70ies. In comparison this is better in built quality and insulation. Though the 200 year old is better in design and room sizes.

Arthur · 4 answers · 2y

(inspired by Wasserpistole) Is it harder to compose good music that's easy to play, than it is to compose good music that's hard to play?

The goodness is not in the trouble of the fingers to play it. It is in the movement of the heart by the music. And the creative work is always damn hard except for people blessed with an abundance of music in their minds and hards. Which is probably a legend.

Pandy · 10 answers · 2y

What is the most amount of money you have lent someone? and how did that go?

Whenever I lent money I do not expect to get it back. Since I am not wealthy I can only give away very small amounts under these conditions. But, so far I got it back each time.

Pandy · 8 answers · 2y

What is the most impressive thing you can do with your hands?

Pandy · 5 answers · 2y

What, in your opinion, separates a great partner/relationship from a mediocre one?

Communication. Every relationship that works is based on communication. When things go bad it usually is due to unspoken expectations unspoken demands, unspoken needs.

Pandy · 6 answers · 2y

What, in your opinion, separates a great parent from a mediocre one?

Nerves of steel and bearing what your child delivers while supporting them the best.

Arthur · 7 answers · 2y

Did someone ever comment on how messy your hair was? 🙄

We do that all the time. Bitches do comment on each others birds nests on their heads.

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