
"The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it."

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Pandy · 8 answers · 3y

What 'conspiracy theory' do you think is most likely to be true?

The one about the trafficked children inside the cabinets that you buy on the internet. It’s all true I tell you! swivels eyes

Daniel · 9 answers · 3y

What are some of the most basic, important questions we can ask?

Daniel · 6 answers · 3y

Why is llama written with two Ls?

Like Kate said, it’s a word in a different language which English speakers pronounce wrongly. There are millions of them. Words, that is, not llamas. Although there are millions of them too... The Welsh use a lot of double Ls in their language too, except they pronounce it as “chl” - the ch sound is guttural the same as it’s pronounced in Scotland.

Kate Matsuda · 9 answers · 3y

Not so long ago men and women used makeup alike in sometimes huge amounts. Why is it that men now avoid it like the plague?

Because it means you’re gay. I don’t really know, but there are now men’s makeup counters in places like Selfridges in London.

Daniel · 10 answers · 3y

What would you want to be famous for if you had to be famous?

Alice 💋 · 6 answers · 3y

Should people be punished for stupid things they say on the internet when they were young or is it really who they are?

Dingus · 5 answers · 3y

How was your morning? What went right and what went wrong?

I GOT MY HAIR CUT! The first time since February. I’m very excited about this.

🌺 AnayaOhNo · 8 answers · 3y

Is there any show/entertaining program you enjoy atm? 🍿🤩

Red hair: Yay! Freckles: Nay! (I say this as a [dark] red-haired person with 2.3 million freckles.)

Daniel · 11 answers · 3y

Did you ever listen to songs by neo nazis?

Not intentionally. I mean, I don’t think, “ I know what I’ll listen to today, some lyrics about white supremacy!” But by the law of averages, I’m bound to unwittingly have listened to something at some point - although I’m not a metal fan, and most of them would seem to be metal bands I think.

Pawesome · 4 answers · 3y

Is it just me or has the quality of fast food been getting worse lately?

A couple of weeks ago, I had the first fast burger I’ve eaten in probably two years. It was Burger King and it tasted just as I remembered it.

Alice 💋 · 6 answers · 3y

Do police chases in the UK transpire over Benny Hill music?

Yes. Every police car comes equipped with a tape of it on loop which starts to play when you smack a button which, in true Benny Hill fashion is shaped like a boob.

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