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Daniel · 15 answers · 4y

Would you still go to work if you are filthy rich?

Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

Do you ever fantasize about being a criminal?

Honestly, yeah, sometimes lmao. I've always been very good at being sneaky and always take bitches down during laser tag, so like, I'd probably make a very good catwoman.

Daniel · 14 answers · 4y

Are you better at reading or better at listening?

Pandy · 8 answers · 4y

You're stuck at a dinner party with a political ranter (opposite to you), a judgemental snob, a violent criminal, a creepy pedophile and an arrogant 'brodude'. All the gender you are least attracted to. Who do you spend the most time with?

Pandy · 13 answers · 4y

If I could guarantee a legal and physically safe experience during your trip, would you be willing to take a strong psychedelic drug? (Think DMT, Acid etc.)

The only things I've been interested in trying that I haven't so far are shrooms and acid. Sometimes weed can be too intense for me though so I can only imagine how my lightweight ass would handle more heavy-duty substances lmao

Pandy · 14 answers · 4y

On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being a creep, 10 being Casanova), how much of a smooth talker can you be when you flirt?

I'm pretty good at flirting with people I'm not interested in honestly. If I'm interested, I'll just clam up and probably pretend they're not even there.

Pandy · 8 answers · 4y

How long does it typical take for you to get engulfed in rage?

Arman · 15 answers · 4y

When was the last time you killed a living thing? What was it?

A spider tbh. I always feel awful about it and hesitate for minutes on end but I can't stand the thought of them in my room, even if their presence is harmless.

Wasserpistole · 9 answers · 4y

Can you fall in love online without ever meeting the person?

I can't personally. I can certainly become infatuated with someone online or desire them a lot but it's not enough to call love imo. I've never been in love but I think those quiet moments where you can sit next to them and watch them concentrating on a book or trying not to fall asleep are crucial for my affection for someone to grow.

Wasserpistole · 8 answers · 4y

I don't vote and it is not even because of that saying "If voting could change anything it would be made illegal!" Why is voting important for you or why do you think it is a waste?

Because people have suffered and died to give me the rights that I have and not to vote is disrespectful to them. Same applies to the fact that women in all corners of the world are still fighting to make their voices heard. I'm privileged to have the freedoms that I have and I honour that and all the women who fight by voting.

icp · 4y

you came back as a totally different user which is wicked awesome!

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