Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Eternal Ephemera
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Art Enthusiast · 10mo

Hello! Are PDFs sales still open, and if they are, how long will we have to wait to receive them? Because as far as I can tell, shipping hasn't happened yet? Thank you for making such a beautiful zine :)

Hello! Yes, PDF sales are still open, and we will be sending them around the same time that shipping begins (which we will keep everyone updated about; we're still waiting on some merch that we hope will arrive soon). Thanks for your support!

Art Enthusiast · 10mo

hello! would it be okay to make a similar zine for another fandom (about the same thing - characters with fine art)? could i message you to know what were your requirements/rules? thanks!

Hello! Yes, feel free to go ahead with the theme for another fandom, and you can check out our Carrd for further information about what our guidelines/requirements were ( If you need any other resources, we would recommend Discord servers that center around running zines, such as Mod Network. Best of luck with your zine!

Art Enthusiast · 11mo

will you be holding leftovers?

Hello! We are tentatively planning for leftover sales after production and shipping. Please keep an eye out for updates over the next few months on our Twitter or Tumblr and we'll keep everyone informed!

Art Enthusiast · 12mo

Hello, I was wondering why you've deleted all the posts on tumblr? I was following it for production updates as I don't have a twitter, I was just worried something happened ;o;

Hello! Our Tumblr seems to be working fine on our end, and we haven't deleted any posts recently! You can try checking if the page loads on a different browser and clear your cookies if you're still having trouble! (Link for your reference just in case:

Art Enthusiast · 1y

Hello! How long after the close of pre-orders will digital and physical rewards be delivered?

Hello! We are currently planning on shipping orders in January-February. We will update buyers if our schedule changes.

Art Enthusiast · 1y

Is international shipping supposed to be $37

Depending on where you are ordering from, the unfortunate answer is yes. Regions in the Pacific like Australia and New Zealand are especially expensive to ship to right now. We understand the global frustration with skyrocketing international shipping rates, but unfortunately these prices are out of our control.

Art Enthusiast · 2y

hi! have the artists for this zine already been chosen?

Hello! We have contacted several artists to join the zine already, but we'll be inviting more artists once we finalize who our finance mod is.

Art Enthusiast · 2y

For this zine, would the finance mod also be in charge of handling/correcting merch item files before they're sent to production? Or will the art mod/a different mod be handling that?

Hi there! We'll give the finance mod more precedence over the handling of merch items if they want to, but we also have a mod who's willing to do that role if it's something they can't do. I hope that answers your question!

Art Enthusiast · 2y

Hello! On the finance mod app, for the "Proof that someone you worked with from another zine or in another relevant experience vouches for your integrity" question, what kinds of things are you looking for? For the pictures we can link, can it be something like a discord screenshot of a co-mod vouching for us? & Is it okay if names and such are censored?

Hi there! We'd appreciate it if you could show a screenshot of a co-mod vouching for you and your work. If the other party wants their name to be censored, that's perfectly okay with us as long as you can tell us which project it was. Thank you!

Art Enthusiast · 2y

The interest check says that contributors must be at least 18 years of age, but would you consider lowering the age to apply to say 16? If the applicant had a means to accept payment and parental permission?

Hi! Thanks for your interest! To facilitate distributing profits to contributors smoothly and safely, we will be keeping the age requirement to 18+. We hope this helps!

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