Heaven On Earth: A Witch Hat Atelier Zine

Little witches doing their little things ✨

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Witch Apprentice · 10mo

Hi! I was wondering if you guys will announce pricing before you open preorders and will there be limited edition bundles?

Hello! Our pricing will be announced when preorders open later at 10AM EST! We do not have limited edition bundles, but we will have limited items such as the early bird item and the stretch goal items.

Witch Apprentice · 1y

hello! how many contributors are you looking to accept for each category?

Witch Apprentice · 1y

For writing samples, should we only submit prose? Or is poetry/a mix of both also acceptable?

Hello, sorry for the late response. Poetry or works with poems in them are allowed but only as one sample!

Witch Apprentice · 1y

hi! could you possibly explain what type of pieces you're looking for writers to create in the zine itself?

Hi there, sorry for the late response. Writers will be expected to create a piece focusing on an environmental concept like witches at the beach, or perhaps gardening (these are just examples!). Pieces in the form of a letter is also accepted, as it would provide an engaging feel. We hope this answered your question!

Witch Apprentice · 1y

Hi! I wanted to know what’s the vetting process for writers

Hi there! The mods will be mainly looking for the following in your applications: character interactions with their surroundings, more on world building and setting the scene for the reader. Another factor will be how the environments are described and written instead of using generic terms. We hope this answered your question!

Witch Apprentice · 1y

Hi! Do you have an alt text version of the interest check results? Could you make sure to use alt text or image descriptions going forward? They're a lot easier for me to read and pictures are hard for me to make out sometimes, and this will probably help accessibility. Thanks!

Hello, we are truly sorry for this inconvenience. As for the interest check results, unfortunately we do not have an alt text version, but we will be sure to make use alt text in our future posts. We apologize once again!

Witch Apprentice · 1y

Hello. What is the vetting process for artists?

Hi! Once contributor applications are finished, the team will be judging applicants blindly based on the work that's submitted. The main things that we will be looking for are: composition, anatomy, use of color and shading, consistency, and how well the background and subject (character, etc) mesh together! Since this is a thematic zine, the mods would be more particular about backgrounds, world building, and overall atmosphere. We hope this answered your question!

Witch Apprentice · 1y

Is there a format for how I should make the illustration if I end up participating? :D Like, as in canvas size etc!

Hello, a template with the correct canvas size and format will be provided for all contributors in their respective role!

Witch Apprentice · 1y

Do houses/buildings count as a landscape, or will mainly focus on the natural formstions depicted in the series??

Yes, absolutely! While natural formations would be the go-to landscape, any type of setting ― buildings, towns, libraries, etc. would be considered a landscape!

Witch Apprentice · 1y

Hey! Very excited for the zine. I was wondering - how many artists were you planning on featuring?

Hello! The number of artists for the zine has still not been finalized, and it will depend on the results of the interest check! The team will definitely put up an announcement and additional information once it has all been decided.

Witch Apprentice · 1y

Hello! I was wondering if applicants will need to have WHA pieces in their portfolio

Hi there! WHA pieces are not necessarily a requirement for portfolio submissions, but they are a big help and strongly encouraged!

Witch Apprentice · 1y

hello!! would the landscapes depicted in the zine have to be ones we’ve seen in canon, or could they also be up to contributor interpretation/imagination? no big deal either way, just out of curiosity!

Hi! Not all of the landscapes don't need to be the ones in canon, it may also be up to the contributor's interpretation! As long as the overall vibe and aesthetic are still canon adjacent and still fit the theme of the manga. We hope this answered your question!

Witch Apprentice · 1y

for writers - do all of the portfolio pieces have to be within 2500 words?

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