
GalliRei fic writer.

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anonymous reader · 8mo

Hello! If you finally decide that you are not going to finish writing worte lautlos, would you be so kind as to tell us briefly how it was supposed to end? I reeeally want to know the ending. Thanks in advance!

Hello. It's been a while. Would anyone still care to know? I don't know if I'll ever finish worte lautlos, but I do know how it would end.

anonymous reader · 1y

what is gallirei's favorite thing about each other during sex? physically, or something they do

For Reiner, it's Porco's vocalisation, any sound he lets out that denotes his pleasure; the way he arches his back and writhes under him; trembles and shivers after an orgasm, and seeks out his touch as he drifts off to sleep.
And in a sense, for Porco's it's similar: he responds to Reiner's low utterances and his strong hands on his hips; to the heavy weight on top of him when Reiner presses him down with his own body; to the tension he senses in Reiner's body that makes his own freeze for the blissful moment in which Reiner reaches his orgasm and then collapses atop him.
These two men as lovers are the definition of body worship.

anonymous reader · 1y

What do you think of omegaverse? Each can be different, but the thought of Porco begging for Reiner's knot has me like 😳

Porco begging is just a delightful thing all around. I don't really have an opinion on omegaverse. I like the idea of Porco going through a heat and Reiner going feral, but male pregnancy is not my thing.

anonymous reader · 1y

When can we expect a new chapter of Worte Lautlos? 🥺 I'm sorry for asking. Don't feel pressured to answer 💔

anonymous reader · 1y

What made you fall in love with Porco? Is he your favorite character in AOT?

anonymous reader · 1y

Do you have any other otps? I love your Gallirei so much 🥺

Not really. There's no other ship I ever loved more than Gallirei and I don't know if there'll ever be another one. Gallirei just hits different, even more so with the sheer amount of HCs I've developed since I started writing about them. I'm less active in the community now, but I haven't moved on to anything else.

anonymous reader · 1y

Porco is a moaner right?

He sings like a siren whose song can be heard by only one man and that man is Reiner.

anonymous reader · 1y

Is Worte Lautlos on a hiatus? 🥺

I don't really know... I intend to finish it, but I also can't say when I'll give you an update, just haven't been in the mindset nor had the time to write lately. It upsets me, as I finally got to the part of the story that I had been excited to write about for so long 😔

anonymous reader · 1y

Which Warriors do you think were a virgin when they died/by the end of the story?

anonymous reader · 1y

Hello! How do you feel about seruporu?

I don't ship them, cause I simply view them as brothers; but l can see how Porco's love for his brother could have been strong enough to inspire some fan artists/fic writers to take it one step further.

anonymous reader · 1y

how was the moment when reiner realized that he is gay? i mean, right where he thought "maybe... i'm into men/i'm not interested in girls anymore"

same question for porco 👀

anonymous reader · 1y

It feels like you’re less and less here, are you doing alright? Is life treating you good? 💙

Thank you for checking on me. Yes, I'm still around. I'm still working on worte lautlos, although the story's become harder for me to tell. I wish I had more free time to write, but a full time job often steals away time. It's not the best time in my life currently, but I'm gonna push forward 💗

anonymous reader · 1y

what do u think about the take that gallirei is one sided from porco's side?

One sided Gallirei? In what world? Honestly haven't seen that take anywhere. They're either equally into each other or not at all. That's how I see it.

anonymous reader · 1y

And who was the one who asked the other to marry? Porco or Reiner 👀

Reiner proposes; or rather, he buys Porco a ring, if he's able to afford one one day, esp. after the Rumbling, should Porco survive, with a gemstone to match his eyes, so something green; but they wouldn't marry officially, it would simply be a gift to be treasured, and it would mean, "I am devoted to you, no matter what, and I love you."

anonymous reader · 1y

Your latest chapter is making me cry, on one hand I’m very happy, but on the other, I’m so extremely sad to think their relationship will never be like it used to :(

I don't believe in fairytale endings, so the best I can do is make Porco live but at a price 🥲 He saved Reiner; now he has the chance to fall in love with him all over again.

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