
Ask me anything about jjk or OCs~ or anything really

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Anonymous Coward · 1y

Yknow who yoruasa reminds me of? Eddie and venom. Entity possesses human and threatens said human to cooperate or they will die. Time passes on, the evil entity is a loser just like the host and start bonding

i can't wait for when asa eventually gets comfortable with yoru only to be reminded that yoru is still a killer devil seeking vengeance
there are so many ways fujimoto can sucker punch us with yoruasa

Anonymous Coward · 2y

now that maki has fulfilled her promise to mai where do you see her arc going? and do you think we'll see mai again?

i know the most accurate translation for mai's dialogue is asking if maki was "able to destroy it" but i still want to believe that what needs to be destructed goes beyond the zenin clan. i think maki has a big role to come in the culling games besides beating naoya's ass a second time. i'd like to see mai again but i have a feeling we'll only see her again once maki dies :(

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Mai is literally the sword so all your fanarts abt it are canon. How do you feel abt that

Anonymous Coward · 2y

maki has big doberman energy

Anonymous Coward · 2y


Anonymous Coward · 2y

momo crying on mai's hospital bed: i told you cant handle that they/them dickussy

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I know life is shit bc its not possible for me to be between mai and maki in your recent mkmi art (lovely work btw, got me bark bark woof woof)

Anonymous Coward · 2y

do you do commissions? sorry if it was asked before..

I really wish I did but I’m still learning how to approach drawing with a long term hand injury. I can probably only do headshots/upper torso (1 char, b&w or flat) after my current break is over in 1 or 2 weeks

Anonymous Coward · 2y

"i personally think everyone should have an otp of characters who are utterly obsessed with each other" i raise you this, all my otps have to be like this. I need them to be mutually obsessed and if one party is away, they get withdrawals and start shaking and crying

Anonymous Coward · 2y

i love mai sm. She's sad, shes a smug little shit. She's cute and holdable, she's sexy as hell. She bullies, she has a big heart. Man

Anonymous Coward · 2y

what are your other ships in jjk besides (noba)makimai? do you have any notps?

i don't have other otps but yutarika is the closest to a secondary fixed ship i have. i also like fucked up maki rarepairs (with a pinch of mkmi) for fun. utamai/meimai are interesting and i'm omnivorous when it comes to nobara ships (f/f and m/f). i'm either neutral or appreciate some m/m ships from afar (mostly influenced by mutuals)
regarding notps... if you know you know
but generally i'm not a fan of pairing either twin with men or having them revenge fuck naoya lol

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Maki is a rookie for cumming 3 minutes in with mai. Im already nutting if she hugs me like she hugged nobara from the back

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