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unknown entity · 6mo

hey whats your type in partners

unknown entity · 3mo

ur rinkana mademe so happy i almost Puked thank yew ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

rinkana is so cute i hope theres more art of them in the future... add hiyori for the full dorm effect and some real shit would happen
glad you like it :]

unknown entity · 3mo

been thinkin of kanata selfcest,,, the way you draw him jas me on my knees everyday he's gorgeous in your style

omg your brain is huge... ive been playing with the idea ever since kanata and konata showed up on the same screen (which is also another idea entirely)
kanata selfcest where one is es!! era and the other is impact era?? two abyss kanatas exploring each other? sooo much potential... tysm

unknown entity · 6mo

Can u reupload whats on ur popiku… i beg… the whole popiku bug where u cant view follower only stuff us driving me crazy…

idk if this is still true but all of the stuff behind popiku(which i will not use ever again) can be found on pixiv, specifically this one: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100886461 if you want to copypaste
i only used it bc i was super shy ^^

unknown entity · 5mo

hiii im going to go insane do u have any elaborations on the tatsumi misgendering kink,,, do u think hed b able to get anyone in ES to indulge in it with him or is he just sad and fantasizing abt it all the time

unknown entity · 5mo

ur nsfw tatsumi headcanons are the best thing ive ever read btw i think ur so cool, words cant describe the horrific brainrot it instilled in me

unknown entity · 5mo

Tatsumi headcanons? (NSFW)

unknown entity · 5mo

opinions on tetochia hate sex

unknown entity · 6mo

hey whats your type in partners

unknown entity · 7mo

tatsumi piss anon again! do not worry i have some fics in the works, i’ll keep pushing the tatsupiss agenda 🙏

omg... yippee (jumping for joy) please link it or just mention the titles over here so i can check it out when youre ready <3

unknown entity · 7mo

i don’t have a public twt acc but hi i am the tatsumi piss person 😭 you quoted my confession, unfortunately i only use tumblr primarily but uh hey

hahaha sorry i didnt mean for my qrt to bring you out here like this, i just enjoyed your tatsumi hc and i personally think you should keep pushing this pee agenda.... rubs hands
id use tumblr but ive moved on from that site so long ago ahhh

unknown entity · 7mo

i still think about ur scene alkaloid every single day of my life. specially ttmy. u were so genius for that 🙏

aw... tyty, it was actually inspired by that one danganronpa scene au way back when, i had a moment of weakness and missed it so badly i drew scene alkaloid instead :']

unknown entity · 7mo

hii after seeing ur old enstars hc and also ur tatsumi pissing art ive come to the conclusion that ur a genius and one of the greatest thinkers of our time... never stop chasing ur bliss 👍also i love ur artstyle u make them look so soft which makes my brain very happy (also one of the pqrts on that art is me its just me saying its awesome)

(heart signs) thanks for liking my stuff, and glad there are oldtsumi(and other old characters) fans out there that also enjoy him having incontinence
also for anyone wondering idc about prts! im just super nosy and want to know what you guys are saying lol

unknown entity · 7mo

any interest in ortho x idia? ortho destroying idias hole while calling him niichan and idia desperately begging him to slow down.. but even if youre not interested in shroudcest i think theyd look gorgeous in your style

unknown entity · 7mo

finally.. an enstars artist not afraid to hear about the gospel that is old man pussy... anyways there is no way that himeru is 18. i feel like it was confirmed somewhere that hes lying about his age to fit the idea of HiMERU but happyele is afraid of characters older than 21 so hes probably only 20ish in canon. i deny canon, that man is no less than 33

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