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Anonymous Seed · 18d

drop a playlist you love pls

A play list?????? oh man I'm not that organized i just listen to random songs on YouTube music and hit shuffle

Anonymous Seed · 18d

what are some of your favorite (published/non-fandom) books? or is there a genre you enjoy?

idk honestly! I've been really into danmei novels lately but wasn't much of a book person before that

Anonymous Seed · 1mo

What are your favorite respective timelines or looks for Koko and Inupi?

oh god all of them are so good! I do love bad toman timeline kokonui they both looked so good together. Bonten Koko though....ugh I can't choose!

Anonymous Seed · 2mo

who is top/bottom for you in wangxian and in hualian?

Hualian I like bottom XL but honestly in my mind they switch. For Wangxian I lean more towards bottom WWX only 🥲

Anonymous Seed · 2mo

do you have any fun plans this summer?

not until the end of summer but I'm hoping to make it to the beach or something!

Anonymous Seed · 2mo

What happened to your foot?

Anonymous Seed · 3mo

What kind of omega do you think Xie Lian would be? If you think he’s an omega at all

um he is definitely an omega lololol He'd be terrible at it but he'd try his best and Hua Cheng would tell him he's the best omega that's ever existed and that he's never done anything wrong ever

Anonymous Seed · 3mo

How Koko omega could decorate his baby rook? 👀

Anonymous Seed · 3mo

What was the last thing you have bought?

Anonymous Seed · 4mo

Do you have any headcanons for underrated TR friendships? Specifically any relating to Koko Or Inupi?

Like canon friendships?? Or friendships we don't get to see?? personally I'd like to see Mikey and Koko interact more...also maybe Inupi and Chifuyu 🤔

Anonymous Seed · 4mo

What age do you think Koko and Inupi do the deed?

Well whatever age they started using their secret hide out... u know just two boys chilling in an abandoned building "patching each other up"

Anonymous Seed · 4mo

Which TR character do you personally relate to the most and why?

Oh MAN that's so hard. I think there are little pieces of all of them. Sometimes Mikey, honestly, but idk how to describe it

Anonymous Seed · 4mo

What was the point or moment from the original series that hooked you on Kokonui?

I DON'T KNOW bc the first time I saw them I didn't like them but their backstory in the Tenjiku arc hooked me because it really showed how close and codependent they are and then that was it lolol

Anonymous Seed · 4mo

Which food do you hate?

Anonymous Seed · 4mo

What are your headcanons for Koko and Inupi’s dick sizes?

koko has like average to smaller size dick and Inupi is big. not HUGE but like a little longer than average and definitely a lot more girth

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