lex ♡
getting there, somehow
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Anonymous Coward · 1mo

ugh i just know this experience would be better if i didn't read every update as soon as it's posted but i also can't help myself! this is like tali being a boss babe but automatically a marupok for luisito hahaha

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I'd eat it up when lui does or says something questionable to the principles of tali again and she won't respond with the ily thing anymore and lui will realize that she's done with his shizz like that's my girlypop right there!

atp it's a question of how much tali can tolerate bec im pretty sure it's only gonna get worse from this point on

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

with every game over update, i just feel more sorry for italia hahaha if that makes sense

because for every iffy thing that lui does, she covers it up by saying she loves him (almost like she's trying to convince herself that she does love him which is why she tolerates what he does or what he fails to do)

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

hi!! i asked u before if worth it ba bumili ng wiae (and u were right) so now im asking again if worth it ba bumili ng nowk or oks na ung wp ver?? how abt mdar??? sorry for asking too many ques :'>

omg hello!! glad you liked wiae anon <3 if you liked wiae, i think you'll love nowk hehe. i don't have a copy of mdar though but i've seen mutuals who enjoyed the story naman!!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

objectivity and logic aside is this really a book or a diary hahaha this isnt slow burn this is redundancy and idk a bit of incompetence? Omg im sorry for yapping here ms lex haha huhu

ik i said i wanted slowburn but whatever this is, isn't slowburn 😖 the pacing is all over the place masked by the inconsistent updates so people rejoice at the fact that there's an update rather than notice the lack of development and establishment in the story

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

OMG that prev ask and ur answer was GOOD good ahaha hopefully lui's just currently morally gray but would give that up for italia in the name of love bc i would lose my shizz if not 33 chapters for nothing!! hahaha

the first book i've read this year taught me to not judge a book by its first 200 pages (it's 300 pages long) and yes omg i live for the "us against the world" trope esp when there are high stakes so hopefully luitalia will deliver

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

hmmm maybe lui's not proud of his family background and can't even share it to anyone so he overcompensates the inferiority by being the fun guy and hopefully he'll love italia enough to discuss rather than bottling everything as usual which is why his personality is as great as a wall rn maybe this 1st phase is them building foundation if there's even anything to build lmao

how i wish that lui's personality or lack thereof is intentional, but yes! i'm also curious how lui's going to start opening up to tali given that we still don't know much from him because well... he never really liked tali enough back then to show who he really was nor did he feel the need to do so

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Tali likes lui with all that mystery but would she love him for who he really is EME

ACTUALLYYYY wait im also curious kasi lui's the type of person to have skeletons in this closet and so far what i've got from tali based on her dtg and atg cameos she's all about doing the right thing and justice so i'm curious how that's gonna play out in the long run

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

love your question hahaha asdfghjkl parang lui likes tali enough pero di naman love pero baka soon

just asking the real questions HAHAHAH i wanna know what people think ab the recent developments din also... agree on the "soon" but hopefully the development makes sense

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

miss lex pwede patingin nung pov ni sean about tristan 😭 currently rr jto

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Anong difference ng excess books compared sa ibang books? 😭

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

hi, need ba mabasa muna etg before bem or it doesn’t really matter naman hehe thankss!!

optional! but i say read etg for the complete package + it sets the tone for the rest of the dms so do what you will <3

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

miss lex complete po ba yung etg and wiae sa patreon?

no for both — etg's uploaded until chap 15 lang and wiae i think only chap 31 is there?

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Omg is it possible kaya na maabolish ni tali ang frat ni nina Lui Vuitton kasi her relationship with lance ( what if isa si lance sa pinipigilan nila samu sa initiation) will fuel her female rage more I want it to happen saur bad huhuhu

oooo interesting theory!! not trying to discredit tali but abolishing the frat also means going against years of violence perpetrated by some of the most influential and powerful people in the beeyotch universe.. like the most you can do is cut off an arm but as dark as it sounds, systems like the frat would never be totally dissolved but who's to say really! gulatin mo nalang kami tali!

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

do you think tali exhibits libra traits, while lui sagittarius? or may napagusapan na po bang naka “assign” na zodiac nila?😭 what do you think po

personally... i think tali has scorpio and cancer placements!! heavy on the scorpio placement hshhshs for lui naman idk but he has spicy air sign vibes aka gemini vibes or basta something mutable (pero wala pa naman napagusapan anon HAHAHHA)

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