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anon · 6d

do you have any corruption/manipulation recs 😁

anon · 8d

Hi! I just wanted to say that you are the best writer I’ve ever gotten the pleasure to read! I’ve read all ur fics millions of times. The way you write is just so captivating and beautiful no matter what ur writing about. HOW? TELL ME UR SECRETS?? Just kidding, anyways ik u talked about facing writers block and I wanted u to know that no matter what, I’m reading it, no matter how it takes or how long it is. Sorry if this is mega cheesy I just love your writings so much and wanted to let u know!!! 💗💗

omg wow thank you so much i'm 😭😭😭😭😭 that's so nice to hear i'm so glad you like my writing 🥺🥺 ur so sweet aaahh not cheesy at all fkskfd tysm this was so unexpected, ty for being willing to wait! still i hope i can write soon ;^; 💖💕💝

anon · 10d

thoughts on professor yoonie being “manipulated” into a sexual relationship by A+ rich student student jk 😼

YES OMG i love professor/student when it's subversed like this. the guilt and shame.... cocky jk... amazing 😳

anon · 10d

So I have DID which means I have alternate personalities and lately I've been feeling like people only befriend the rest of us to get to our hypersexual alter.

oh, i'm sorry to hear that :( i hope you can meet people that don't want to just use you for that 😞

anon · 10d

I just want to acknowledge how nice you are. Not only are you opening for people to ask you stuff but also just to vent or talk in general is very sweet.

anon · 10d

hi Kiki! how have u been? :)

hi! ♡ i've been okay, just the same as always haha ,, still somewhat writing blocked, still not doing anything else rlly..... how r u? 🥹

anon · 10d

My only reason for living is my cat and dog. I secretly wish they were dead so there would be no reason for me to live any longer. I feel so disgusting and shitty.

oh i'm so sorry you're feeling that way :( honestly i can relate tho.... i wish i could say something to comfort or encourage you but all i can say is that i feel you and you're not disgusting or shitty :( i hope things get better for you, and that you can find more and more little things to live for in addition to your pets ;^;

anon · 2mo

i mean this in the nicest way possible, and please know that this is coming from someone who knows how you are feeling, but it can be difficult to talk to and engage with someone who is already on the defensive about being lonely and sad. i know making friends is hard but sometimes it feels like you’re pushing people away before they can get close to you- which i get! i do that myself! but if you want things to change, you might have to ask what you can do to help things change. i love you!

anon · 2mo

hi kiki i like your writing i hope you know that there’re people out there like your work hope this make you cheer up

anon · 2mo

hi kikiiii, your writings are so good. I love btm yg with dead dove and you capture it so perfectly.

thank you so much!! (。T ω T。) i'm glad u think so, i just write what i like too and i love bttm yg dead dove fjskfk happy u like the way i write it! ♡♡

anon · 2mo

Sometimes you post about crochet on the other account and I get a whiplash that the same person writes piss link and makes cute crochet yoonie, you're so talented ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽

HFJSHF but my omo stuff is usually cute too no? ;w; i prefer omocute to the ,,, actually kinky stuff JFDJFK but i get what u mean lmao dead dove writer but i also just love cute yoonie 🥺🥺 and tysm!!! i'm glad u think so crocheting is just rlly fun <3

anon · 2mo

I wish you wouldn't doubt yourself, you're literally amazing.

thank you hhhh i wish i could believe that but idk ;-; i honestly probably need medication atp lol i'm just depressed

anon · 2mo

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

anon · 2mo

Can I ask what your favorite yoonkook trope is?

i'm not gonna lie i don't really have a fave trope fjskfk i don't rlly know how to pick? but i guess i'd say cliche college au types ? like badboy jk and sweet boy yoon ,,, or any noncon dead dove darkfic probably i rlly love dark fics 😭😭 and with ynkk it's just so good idk FISJFK i also really love canon aus for ynkk

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