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Anonymous Coward · 4mo

thats technically still gambling, cause its doing something for some form of rng based gain

I'm not going to call any rng in a video game gambling, because that complete defeats the purpose of the word

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

but gambling is badass, dox /j

I'm not talking about loot boxes, I'm talking about shit like destiny, where the only reason people play is so they can collect some new jpg and bundle of stats for their vault. Where if you suggest maybe you could just play raids or strikes or w/e for fun they look at you like you have 3 heada

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

The way you draw trolls with no noses inspired me to not give one of my ocs a nose as part of her design

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

■ Living beings unfortunately require oxygen, and do not enjoy being suffocated

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

■ Getting in is the easy and fun part.
Getting out is where the poor moniker comes in.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

■ Poor unfortunate assistant pressed into the back flab due to how deep the bra was, and also from them still holding the strap of it as the bra tries to fly off due to the sheer size of boob. (They couldn't see how big they were from behind)


Also gif of spiderman with his arms spread wide stopping that metro train lmao

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

back and side flab swallowing up garments

I think my most frequent really dumb brainrot in this arena is back rolls completely obscuring a girls bra-band. Especially if someone needs to assist them with getting it on or off. Reach deep

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

This is gonna sound weird but I really want to get to know you. You seem really cool and nice to talk to but I also don’t want to be weird and make you uncomfortable :((
sorry if this is a lot i just don't know what to do!

Yeah man I mean

That's a cool sentiment! Thankyou. But I promise you're overestimating what I have to offer here. And beyond that I'm just. Really not a huge people person lol. I've got my small circle of close friends and I just don't have the energy to do relationships beyond that justice

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

■ Happy new year, valued customer. Unless thats still an hour away, but we do not respect california.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Vriska eating Honeydew
For no other purpose than this is a loaded gun to shoot honeydew with

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Imo just generally any of the Them pics did something for my brain. They have a very pleasing design.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

kan feeding rose via boomlift is a hell of a concept and pic

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

■ Clearly no bias there, we say sarcastically looking at the two other huge ass eridan pics this year, and also hypocritically as we hold the wv among us.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

■ Clearly its the WV among us. You didn't even draw him but its still the best thing in the media tab. /j
(Probably the fef/sol pic, either fef/eri or vriska checking herself in the mirror, or you singing karoke to name three.)

Like half of those caught my own eye while scrolling through the media tab, but I think if I ended up picking one it would be fef/eri pic. Susabond is good tho

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