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Anonymous Coward · 2y

have you ever felt like your oc lore was too similar to someone else's? what did / would you do in that situation?

Yep! But even if I feel that way I don't try to change it or make a big deal about it. I know I didn't intentionally copy them or anything, and coincidences are bound to happen sooner or later, there's no really helping that. Ideas are rarely original nowadays, so I tend to not worry about it and stick with what I have if I like it!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

If amidra was in elden ring what kind of build would she have?

She would use a scythe obvs but since in canon her style is using a lot of weapons in a very acrobatic way, then maybe she would go hard into dex/str and just have a bunch of weapons she can switch out. Not really any spells I don't think?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What do you play in DnD?

My group usually plays pf2e now (my older characters are dnd 5e), so right now I'm playing a Fetchling Oracle and a Dhampir Swashbuckler

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I like frenzy guy. I recall some stuff about Miquella so besides frenzy does he use fundamentalist incants? ie Triple Rings of Light?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

whats ur favorite thing about each oc

Is it weird if I say like, the different ways that I draw their designs is my fav thing? Like Amidra is pretty and I enjoy dressing her up and putting her in situations, Cian is very expressive and tragic so I can draw him with a variety of faces, Ciara I have the fun challenge of making her expressive without changing her mouth expression much or having her speak, and Azem is like that too but spookier and more fucked up. Idk just the differences I notice when drawing them i guess? If that makes sense?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

this isnt a question. i just want to say i adore your art and how its sharp yet soft at the same time. like your lines are soft but you're really good at drawing eyes that have more of a bite to them, such as with your azem. i hope i can commission you one day when i have the means!!! have a wonderful day, sydney

Anonymous Coward · 2y

are your elden ring twins the same time line? does your boys frenzied flame ending kill the girl? or are they separate.

ya they work together throughout the story but then diverge at the end and fight each other. if guy wins then frenzy flame ending happens, if girl wins then ranni ending happens

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I offer a smooch to Amidra and your Elden Ring OCs. Will they accept?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I don't really have a question but I really love your OCs and how you draw Ranni :>

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What would happen if Amidra, and Azem meet in Elpis? How would they react/feel if they see each other?

Azem goes to Elpis and immediately forgets why they went there in the first place and turns around and leaves. Like when you go into the kitchen to get something but immediately forget what it was.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Do you think that your FFXIV Oc's and ER OC's would be friends, and if so, which ones? :)

yeah i think they would be friends. amidra and the twins high fiving over being really good at killing gods >:)

Anonymous Coward · 2y

how would your ER twins be in FFXIV and vice versa? like race, job, etc

this made me want to re-create them in ffxiv so i tried lol. i think ciara would be a red mage (but with a greatsword??) and cian a paladin.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

which of ranni's hands does ur tarnished hold. this is important lore

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Omg your tarnished siblings OCs make my brain vibrate at high speeds I lov them,,, I was wondering what Cian's thoughts are about Melina ? My first tarnished went thru the "holy person to unhinged frenzied flame enjoyer" pipeline too and the ending where she swears she will hunt you down and kill you gave me So Many Thoughts cause I imagined her to be close to Melina before,,,, tragic friends to lovers to sworn enemies flavour

YES i really love thinking about the frenzy ending with a tarnished that was close to Melina... Cian was also fairly close to Melina (both of the twins viewed her like family - she's been with them for their whole journey after all). And in order for Cian to go through with the frenzy ending he has to kill his sister, so there's an extra bit of revenge/tragedy aspect of it too. While it's not romantic in my tarnished's case, I do enjoy the idea of the lovers to enemies flavor 😌👌

Goetia · 2y

I saw art of it but what were the emotions Ciara felt knowing her brother had taken up the mantle of the frenzied flame?

Disbelief, betrayal? She can't really understand why he would want to go down that path. I think she would want to try to reason with him (futilely) or save him (also possibly futilely)

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