Anon O . O · 11d

What do you look for in a friend? ♡

Friendship is about reciprocation and balance and understanding, and these are often things which are built over a very long time. I value these things in a friend, and they are brought about by two people in a friendship, so it is not something I necessarily ‘look’ for, but rather something I hope to achieve with them

These can be built with anyone as long as both parties are truly open to it, and not just verbally, as it’s not something you can sign a contract on. That is the beauty of friendship; it comes around naturally, and it, when it is real, does not really need to be verbally negotiated or anything of the sort. That does not, of course, mean that you should not be communicative with your friends if issues arise, as talking about it is usually the best way to solve it, and longing to solve an issue properly, when you know a solution is available, is part of what it means to care about somebody.

I admit, I am not actually very good at making friends and have not made any effort truly in most of my life to ‘make’ friends, as I have found that I am just not good at it; I don’t possess the skill. I am usually not the first one to speak, so to the friends I have today who took the time to speak to me, invite me in and build a friendship with me, I am so unbelievably grateful for, as they are some of the most wonderfully kind and understanding friends I have ever had, and I worry that if I was left to my own devices when it came to initiating a friendship, I would still be alone.

I cannot explain it perfectly, in the way I wish too. It is almost ineffable, the experience of connection you can have with a close friend. My best friend and I sometimes refer to it as ‘bluetooth’… I think they are a perfect example of what I’m talking about

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