beomgyu luvr · 3d

omg soogyu in 2019-2020 was another era... they used to be so so physical with each other.

they used to play with each other's hands, petting their heads, hugging, being so physically close. like I feel like if the new fans and shippers saw the way soobin would be all physical with beomgyu, ppl would think it's less of a one-sided thing? bc I feel like soobin had tone down on skinship in general? like he was very expressive in a physical sense during their rookie days!!

omg yes i noticed this too, soobin was super soft and he was like... attracting all the other members to snuggle up to him (lol not exactly), like we had beomgyu constantly touching him, kai rubbing his tummy, tyun linking arm with him, and yeonjun constantly playing with his face and attempting to kiss him haha i think it's bc he really exudes this comforting aura and the members needed it the most at that time especially bc they were still very young :((

also the one-sided thing is an insane claim to me bc when i was compiling "soobin whipped moments" i could come up with a long list right away but beomgyu's way of being whipped is mostly staring at soobin and having mini gay panic

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