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00’🄲 · 9 answers · 9mo

to all my TTPD buddies, tell me your top list of the album! mine is so long, london. idk, its lyrics gave me you’re losing me mood.

HELLO, i know its too late (menggaruk kepalaku yg tdak gatal,,,) TAPI AK SUKA BANGET 'guilty as sin?'. since im not that into taylor swift,,,, ak cuma suka beberapa lagunya, dan di album terbarunya inii, 'guilty as sin?' sangat menarik perhatian Q skali!!

"loml" my all time favorite. "So Long, London" been a great one too, the song's intro sounds majestic.

I can’t choose between I Can Do It With A Broken Heart or My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, both are masterpiece!!!!

I haven't heard the new album yet, oonyie... can you suggest me the best one of (on your vers) my pretty one? ♥︎

mine’s down bad.. ‘cause it shows how into them i really was. got love bombed, and defined as “act of sacrificing morals and reputation to try and interact with someone romantically.” and also TPD! i don’t know, just love them both. my top two songs of the album!

The more I listen to the songs, the more it feels like my favorite song right now, ‘Down Bad’. So, Mine is DOWN BAD! 😋

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