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boo · 7d

el random question since you’re the only person who i know with autism (you don’t have to answer!) do you find yourself to be argumentative about the things you dislike? like me personally, if something doesn’t align with my morals i just can’t see people make stupid points saying that it’s good in anyway or in case of people i don’t find aligned with my beliefs i just dislike seeing people defending them and have to comment on it. i’m wondering if that’s the same for u?

YESSSS i have this really bad ive had to teach myself that not everything deserves my energy and my anger Outwardly even if it makes me absolutely seethe on the inside 😭 like this is exactly what i’m talking about when i say my morals are not easily swayed. i also struggle with the “why doesn’t this person think this way when obviously if i feel so strongly about it it’s wrong” and like yes these things are wrong but it takes time for people to get there if they get there at all it’s very frustrating

boo · 2d

after midnight is like pride and prejudice for fujoshis

this is crazysjbssk thank you so much 😭😭😭 ive been struggling to finish the last chapter cause it’s so long but this gave me so much motivation

boo · 1d

omg i’m so excited for the new chapter!!!!

boo · 1d

el seriously you’re so amazing like you’re my favorite person on twitter like YOU are the people’s princess

THANK YOUUUU 😭🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾

boo · 2d

after midnight is like pride and prejudice for fujoshis

this is crazysjbssk thank you so much 😭😭😭 ive been struggling to finish the last chapter cause it’s so long but this gave me so much motivation

boo · 4d

wonbin is kind of the people’s princess

boo · 5d

don’t think i didn’t clock the lesbian flag like i got my eyes on that pfp!

boo · 5d

you should know i’m fucking up some shrimp right this moment i imagine this is what’s it like when christians experience the second coming

boo · 7d

el random question since you’re the only person who i know with autism (you don’t have to answer!) do you find yourself to be argumentative about the things you dislike? like me personally, if something doesn’t align with my morals i just can’t see people make stupid points saying that it’s good in anyway or in case of people i don’t find aligned with my beliefs i just dislike seeing people defending them and have to comment on it. i’m wondering if that’s the same for u?

YESSSS i have this really bad ive had to teach myself that not everything deserves my energy and my anger Outwardly even if it makes me absolutely seethe on the inside 😭 like this is exactly what i’m talking about when i say my morals are not easily swayed. i also struggle with the “why doesn’t this person think this way when obviously if i feel so strongly about it it’s wrong” and like yes these things are wrong but it takes time for people to get there if they get there at all it’s very frustrating

boo · 14d

omg i pulled #that man too and i rolled my eyes so hard JSHSJSHS i know you were sick! and nobody wants to buy/trade too like omg

all i could do was sigh.. hopefully one of his #DedicatedFans will buy it off me 🤦🏾‍♀️

boo · 16d

i have crazy gas rn el it’s not even funny like my stomach is doing flips

boo · 26d

oh damn i aint know u hated seunghan like this 😭

boo · 1mo

well i'm done reading it and this was excellent until the end, i'm seated for the next chapter (mind you i'm not even a sunjeongz shipper to begin with but people can change, right ?)

YOURE SO SWEETTT im happy my writing has made you ponder sunjeongzism 🫶🏾💯

boo · 1mo

i've started reading your sunjeongz fic yesterday night and it's so fucking good so far like the details you put into your writing is very much appreciated

boo · 1mo

Die ot6 bitch

boo · 1mo

Hey hello i just read after midnight OHMYGOD ITS SOOOO GOOD im sooo excited for the next updates!!its been so long since ive read a good syongnen au its so perfect i love the plot, fluff, smut EVERYTHING tbh hope we can get the next chapter soon??heheh

THANK YOUUUUU im so glad you liked it it means a lot ;-; im hoping to have the second chapter done by the end of the weekend but we’ll see we’ll see 🙏🏾🫶🏾

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