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anon · 2mo

fav plushes you own?

ii have a bit of a favoritism problem considering how some are all pretty dolled up while some cry on my shelf BUT ignoring all that i think all the juns, tsukasa and kotoko ^_^ ill attach pics on twt

anon · 2mo

fav type of merch (keychain, t shirt, pin ectectect)?

aah hm i think i like keychains best... i get most use out of them (adding them to my bag, theyre easiest to put on my christmas tree, and obviously Keys) . i also really like acrylic stands but i dont have a lot of those yet </3

anon · 2mo

so are you going to acknowledge that callout thread or be a pussy.... lol

Xelly belly · 2mo

omg! i love winter too its so lovely i love the cold too and the fogs uuuu
warmer in winter?? thats quite odd 🤔

YEAH im cold all the time for some reason ... so maybe it kinda cancels out with all the cold in winter.....??? no clue honestly

Xelly belly · 2mo

what is your favourite season

uuh winter probably.. i like snow :) and for some reason im warmer in winter than any other season. not sure how that works

anon · 3mo

actually sorry for asking it was rude of me and i will repent ah nvm youre replying to them lol ok sorry guess ill kill myself

anon · 3mo

whats the best sałatka out there

anon · 3mo

why did you skip the food questions 😞

anon · 3mo

fav sweet?

ohhgod no clue . i think i used to like twix a lot idk😞😞 this made me realize i havent rlly eaten any sweets recently

anon · 3mo

oomf. opinions on paolive. you’ve never heard of them ik btu Sssshshhhsshh

cute !!! i think ive seen stuff abt thwm on the tl Im not sure though . i looked rhem up theyre silly

anon · 3mo

do you like eating shrimps

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