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Curious Soul · 13h

Hey, how have you been? Are you doing well?

Hello there, Non! I’m doing good, walaupun ada beberapa hal yang belakangan bikin…pusing? But no worries. I hope you’re doing well too ya, Anon! Be happy. 😄

Hunter Archibald. · 1 answer · 10d

Hai everybody, apa kabar semuanya? Life update please 🥺

Bintang. · 19d

Hi, I don't know how and why your tweet reached my timeline—karena kayaknya memang kita nggak punya mutual yang sama. But, not gonna lie, you look cute and fun! I'd like to be friends with you, if you don't mind. I'm not coming as an anonymous person so we can get to know each other properly, hehe. Anyway, you can ignore this one if this bothering you! Don't take it as pressure..

Hello there, Bintang! I’m sorry for the tardy reply since I rarely open my retro these days— But if the offer still stands, I’d like to be friends with you too. (Since I’m always up for a new friendship, hehe)

Curious Soul · 2mo

Killian, apa betul satu cyber harus aku taklukan buat dapetin kamu? Susah dikit gak ngaruh, tapi boleh spill kisi-kisinya gak, biar aku bisa belajar?

Oi, rumor apalagi ini sampai bawa satu cyber. Engga ya, gak segitunya kok… 😭 Kisi-kisi apa? Kaya mau UAS gini jadinya.

Willie · 2mo

Pucuk ubi pucuk kangkung banyak bunyi pecah muncung pantek

Curious Soul · 2mo

if someone you (perhaps) consider close to you, holds you dearly in her heart, do you want her to let you know or would you be in a more comfortable position to not acknowledge her feeling?

I’m actually fine with both. Tapi balik lagi, kamu sendiri lebih nyamannya gimana?

Curious Soul · 2mo

Naksir dikit.

Curious Soul · 2mo

Killian tipe idealnya gimana? Apa boleh aku memantaskan diri untuk Killian?

Hmm, bingung since kayanya I don’t have a type? As I said before, someone who’s easy to talk is more than enough for me.

Curious Soul · 2mo

Not nearly every day but most of the time yes, we have conversations together. I think you always see me around you every day, though. Any guess?

I…honestly have no idea at all. I'm sorry. 😭 I just... I haven't been around here much these days, but nevertheless, I hope we can talk a lot more in the future, okay? Have a pleasant night, Anon! 😄

Curious Soul · 2mo

Hi. Been crushing on you for quite long time but never had any courage to say this to you personally. We've always talk as friends and I think you know me well enough but I just don't know how to reach out to you. Guess I'll stay admiring you from a far, then? Be happy always, Killian!

Hello to you too, Non. First of all, I want to say thank you for telling me this. Hmm, are we talking every day? Or? (You don’t need to answer this question if you don’t want to.) Anyway, I hope you’ll be happy wherever you are, Non! :)

Saint Lady · 11 answers · 2mo

Describe your type.

Aubrey. · 5 answers · 2mo

If a witch turned your partner into a worm, would you still love them?

Saint Lady · 10 answers · 3mo

What's your favorite thing to do that bring peace to your inner souls?

Main CA, hehe. Tapi sejujurnya gue biasa nonton/tidur aja sih, kalau lagi rajin biasa jalan-jalan lihat pemandangan.

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