Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 8d

If you had the option to start over with another account and another identity, you would do it?

if i had the option to go back and time to change anything? no i wouldn’t change anything at all. i simply was just growing up and posting while doing it, alot of people never understood me so they tried to cancel me. i have alot of problems and despite all the threats sent to me for no reason, i’m still happy with the progress i’ve made on my rawrvioli account.
and idk if i’d like a new identity, i made koiny to express myself , he was never actually the real me as i would exaggerate everything and people would take me seriously for that. koiny was never supposed to be my actual identity but people see it as mine, so… ig if just going by aizen counts as a new identity. sure.

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