Goro Akechi

Ace Detective, Celebrity, Ex-Phantom Thief, Loving Partner and Ex-Serial Killer.

I'll answer any questions you may have for me. I don't care.

  • Goro Akechi.
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Goro Akechi · 20d

Would Akira like me more if I smelled of coffee?

Not sure why you're asking me.

But he does enjoy his coffee. It'll likely remind him of home, if that's of any consolation.

Goro Akechi · 20d

Hell0 g0r0 its is me, sea nimjima
I am veRy s1ck, pls giv3 me mOneys t0 mak3 me f3el betTer.

Sae Niijima is right next to me as we speak. I didn't know she could type whilst asleep.

Very impressive. Yet another reason why I think of you so highly.

(Go away, Oracle.)

Hifumi Togo · 20d

Heya Akechi!

Naoto here...

How's stuff going?

We haven't really been able to discuss things so I just wanna check in.

Hope you have a good day best acquaintance!!!

Things have been alright. I've noticed there are too many gods trying to take over our world. I'm not exactly a fan of that.

But alas, I am alive. As long as I can wake up alongside my partner, I don't really care what happens.

Goro Akechi · 29d

Iirc, you once said that Robin Hood had a similar awakening to Loki(ripping of the mask and such)

But something just doesn't feel right, which leads into my question

Is that really true?

I clarified that I just had the power one day; I never underwent an awakening like the Thieves.
I suppose the Cruise Ship Incident could count, but that was because I forced myself into a Psychotic Breakdown.

Goro Akechi · 29d

What do you like more, dogs or cats?

Birds. I'm accustomed towards Ravens, Blue Jays, Pigeons and, unsurprisingly, Crows.

Dogs will take second place though.

Goro Akechi · 1mo

Where have you and Sae gone for dates?

We first went to Leblanc. Then we met up for drinks at Kichijoji, and after that we'd usually just stay at her place.

She doesn't know yet, but I'm looking into getting a reservation at the Tokyo Skytree. Supposedly it's a great spot for couples.

Goro Akechi · 1mo

then listen to it dumbass

Goro Akechi · 1mo

Besides yourself and the people you turned Psycho

Have you used 'Call of Chaos' on anyone?

I don't have a reason to turn anyone psychotic, now that I'm no longer a hitman.

If I need someone gone for my own reasons, I'll just kill them.

Goro Akechi · 1mo

the audience cheers

Goro Akechi · 1mo

Akechi do you fw don't fence me in bonelab

Goro Akechi · 1mo

Sae more like sea cause I sea you two together and I can't spell. :) 👍

Goro Akechi · 1mo

what's the song name dumbass

Goro Akechi · 1mo


Goro Akechi · 1mo

I literally work with her at times.

She ADORES you. And for good reason. You're a really nice guy whose been through shit.

..I don't want to lose her. She's the only one that matters in this piece of shit world.

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