Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

my beloved · 9mo

halo kakkk can u just leave the account unattended rather than deactivating it?? as a chronic au read pls don't ever deactivate plsss 😭 also thank u for making me feel giddy everytime i read ur aus 🫶🏻🫶🏻

BABYYY :(( tbh tentang deactivate nya aku masih maju mundur sih…. huhu satu satunya alasan aku mau deactivate tuh karena kalau ngga deact aku takut bakal get the urge to comeback ke 1amwriting lagi and leads to ‘false hope’ yang tadi sempat aku bilanggg (refer to jawaban retros aku sebelum ini). HUHUU tapi makasih yaa sayanggg udah baca au au akuuu :,)) aku seneng bgt kalau bisa bikin km feeling things ☹️💗💗💗 i love you always

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