Anonymous Bug · 1mo

what are your top 5 chibifur of all time

HMMM pokemon are the most obvious answers here, i have loved jirachi and mew ever since i was a tiny child. especially jirachi, wish maker was my favorite pokemon movie for the longest time (if you go back and re-watch this now it feels like such a barren film, but there's something about the tone that stuck with me i suppose, and ofc the biggest factor being that it stars my manic pixie dream chibifur jirachi). i'm a fan of most small chibi pokemon really

as for some others, if they count pompompurin and my melody. AND, katy from the fantastic adventures of unico is sooooooo cute to me i love her so much. an extremely niche answer is this one character from a yaoi manga that i am a long time fan of, named tsuburaya norio, who transforms into this little monkey-cat hybrid creature who honestly just looks like katy if she went goblin mode LOL

moogles are my favorite final fantasy race, the best designs imo are the fluffy orbs from crystal chronicles who you can spray paint different colors and shave bald

and i have mentioned i was madly in love and lust with keppi from sarazanmai for a while

that was definitely at least five right. i love too many lil guys it's too hard to rank them all u_u

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