Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

pawnonymous · 7mo

HIIII you’re so epic. amazing person and artist!! one of my favorite artists of all time. You seem so nice!!!
i would love to be friends and how trouble know you more but i am anxious and idk how to like. start a conversation or random DM without it being awkward HDHDBHE
anyway I hope you have a good day!!! :3

SORRY THIS REPLY IS SO LATE?!@? this means a lot thank you so much T_T !!! you're always welcome to reach out to me ANY TIME even if it's just a hello i'm sure we can start a convo from there DONT EVEN WORRY. i'm an extrovert at heart and LOVE chatting :D
I HOPE YOU HAVE A LOVELY DAY TOO!!! thank you for the sweet message <3

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