Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

pawnonymous · 6mo

this is really out of nowhere sorry but we used to be friends and have a whole group together and i just wanna apologize genuinely if i have ever done anything to you i know you won’t know who i am at this point it’s been years now but i’m too afraid to actually come out due to stalkers. i just hope you’re doing well regardless T__T <3

OMG NO IT'S OKAY!!! i can't even begin to figure out who you are because of my memory loss being so poor but if you ever want to dm privately about it you're welcome to reach out on any of my socials ;_; i won't out you or anything i PROMMY. privacy is super important to me and i'm sooo so happy to resolve things and chat about it if it'd give you any relief and resolve

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