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pawnonymous · 3mo

wouldnt that basically make you not b able to love someone if they werent like ya? i dont know how to explain/ask, but if someone youd be with was for example a woman and then youd have that time i which youre gay, what would happen then? Sorry, just trying to understand, since for me it sounds like just wanting to be same gender x same gender (gay, lesbian) instead of using the term bi or none at all, thats why im asking! never really heard about anyone feeling like this.

NO WORRIES! for me it kinda doesn't matter because i'm in a super loyal devoted relationship with my wife who is also a system so our attraction and gender orientation are both mutually fluid. in more "simple terms" my identity more accurately just reflects that of whoever in my system is fronting at the time. i never "fall out of love" with my wife at any point and time, and our relationship goes a little deeper than what non-systems would perceive in the same situation.

it's really like. so impossible to put into words. and even the label i've given myself doesn't fully encapsulate what my identity really IS. i know there's labels like "systemfluid" or "abrosexual" and stuff that technically align with what i've got going on but i don't align with that label at all and it's not something that i feel really "fits"

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