Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

voice from an unknown source Ā· 3mo

What is your hobbies?
And what do you do after having a bad gatcha results ?
I hate izumi he didn't come home
That's why I'm asking that second question :''''(

my hobbies r mostly what i post about ig, i like to read (3 books til iā€™m done my 2024 reading challengešŸ”„šŸ”„) and watch tokusatsu and study languages. i knit and play the flute but iā€™m mediocre at both

for gacha you just have to give up idk what else to say. sometimes your luck just sucks and trying more and failing more only makes you desperate and prone to bad financial decisions. stay strong <3 youā€™ll get more shots at izumi cards from birthday scouts and the like

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