Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
hi, it's aika, /loserlover's owner. can u explain to me why you had to hack into it for no reason? if youre upset about what i said, please dm me instead of hacking into my urls. sorry. ^^"
I didn't hack it, I reclaimed it. You put nothing on it and it was up for claims. Last time I dmed someone who was talking about me to resolve it, they turned it into a joke and it led nowhere but more stress & anxiety for me. I don't have any trust in rentrycorders, and I don't want to interact with any.
going completly no-contact now. do not talk to me. my mental health is actually at it's lowest i dont think i can do this anymore honestly
hi please get psychiatric help
your account is awesome. goodluck
hi do u own /seele?
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