Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious Kitten · 7mo

I wonder if you will ever realize that it's pointless to go back with someone when both of you don't even have anything to fix anymore. Fix yourselves instead, I guess, since you two start to look so pathetic. Sorry not sorry. 😅

I don’t really understand your intention in saying someone is pathetic when I think you’re also pathetic to give me advice about my private life anonymously like this. Only I, myself, know and understand what I feel at that moment. My feelings are valid, and so are the ones you meant to. It’s not pointless nor pathetic for wanting to save a relationship and mourning over its loss. You are allowed to say this if you dare to do it in front of my face and judge my feelings if you are me. But in fact, you aren’t. So stop judging someone’s life and I will take your so-called advice only to appreciate you, which is to fix myself like what I’m doing now. Sorry not sorry. 😅

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