Ella♡ · 26d

Name some of your favorite mls

Would snap my foot for them:
1. Jung - CIAT
2. Shimao Atsushi - Natsuyuki Rendezvous
3. Landon - Where Tangents Meet (One of all my alltime faves that i dont rlly talk about lol
4. Jaeha - Our Secret Alliance ((I don't even LIKE this manhwa, i just like him a lot.)
5. Edward - Wall of Glass
6. Logan - Hilde Takes House Arpeggio ((I read it for him and his ugly asf name)

I feel very strongly:
1. Erkin - Spark in your eyes
2. Killian - Like Wind on a dry branch
3. Theo - Inlaws Obsessed w me
4. Nocturne - IWAAM (sorry not sorry idfc i love him
5. Wan Jo - Daily Jojo (i love how snarky he is lol

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