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clownfish · 9mo

was/is 820 a chuunibyou and why are we clownfish now ?

not really... if she had known about chuunibyou characters she'd probably think they were really cool, but she was mostly just very normal and boring for a kid. Didn't know anything about anime aside from a dragonball fighting game her sister had on ps2, a naruto platformer she had on ds, stuff brackish told her about, or things she saw mentioned online. Spent most of her time watching youtube/flipnotes on a nintendo dsi. At one point, however, she saw a bunch of memes about scene girls, rawr xd, penguin of doom, gir, etc on gamefaqs and dsichat (probably defunct by now chat service made to work in the dsi internet browser) and thought it seemed really really cool but was too scared to express any of it irl or ask her mom/sister to buy her emo clothes or dye her hair.

also clownfish live in anemones

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