︶ ̩͙⏝ †∔† ⏝ ̩͙︶ · 13d

Dearest Achuyaku。。。
It has been too long。 It is me! Your Knight in shining armour!! Oh how I have missed my favorite Adamil lover。。。 This Retheme is the cutest ever! You are the most pretty uncle I have had the opportunity to ever meet。。。 My pretty NeetGirl。 Your profile reminds me if fish!

All emoji please; only if you allow。 祝你有美好的一天!

你好 愛, It Has Been Far Too Long。 Welcome Back, My Dearest Knight-In-Shining-Armor。。。 Thank You For The Compliment!! I Am The NeetGirlFish Ever!

Emojis, Hmmm。。。
🛼 。 My Current Muse Is A Girl I Have A Tremendous Crush On! I Shall Nickname Her。。。 爱荷, Aihe! She Is Truly The Most Beautiful Girl I Have Ever Met!
💙 。 Hmmm。。。 An Interest? Most Likely ShipWrecks。 TheyAre Sad, But Interesting。 My Current Biggest Interest Is The Edmund Fitzgerald!
🌀 。An Part That Is Introjected Is Gallagher, HSR!

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