Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Someone · 7mo

heyhey my boyfriend recommended this account to me because he really likes yr writin style n thought i would like it too (and i do! ^^ very very much actually!! it's really cool n interesting and i absolutely loveeee yr art!!!)
compliments aside, i was curious if you have ever read or even taken inspiration from poppy z brite (aka, william martin, as that's what he goes by now) i'd suggest the short story collection Wormwood! it's one of my absolute favourite books of all time and i get some similar vibes to angels, the opening story in said collection :) it has a lot of that homoerotic incest overlap there, and funnily enough the main characters are twins too! apologies if this may come off as a rude comparison, i assure you it's not- i genuinely just wanted to recommend a book and author very near and dear to my heart to someone who may enjoy his works just as much as i do.

(and i hope you have a very nice day or night, whenever you read this!)

I've never read this series or heard of this author :O I'm honored by the comparison!!! I'll check out the series, thank you so much for the rec, and your kind compliments!! ^__^

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