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Someone · 7mo

Did the twins inherit papa Pat's hairiness? Actually, what did they inherit from Pat?

Willa did! Willa's got bush for days and hella leg hair. He doesn't have much arm or chest hair though, due to how much of that skin is scar tissue.
Wojtech did not inherit ANY of that body hair. Willa jokes he can't spare any hair for his body because it all goes to his head. The most body hair he's got is a stripe of light fuzz up his stomach, at the nape of his neck, and on the small of his back.
Willa inherited Pat's hair type (wavy, dense, slightly coarse). Wojtech got his skin tone. They each have similarities in their facial structure, though Woj resembles their dad more, with his shorter nose and wider jaw.
Their biggest inheritances from their father are mental, both in the passing-down-trauma sense as well as their biological brain chemistry. The family anxiety and autism runs strong.

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