dumb · 25d

What is the reason you stopped doing NSFW with your old account?

because I don't feel completely comfortable, I already clarified it in my posted tweet and it is because of that and other things (of which I am not proud at all) they continue to persecute me to this day. What's more, that's why it has closed many opportunities for me to help/collaborate/lose friends and among other things.
I even tried to remove the tags from all my drawings on the green page just so I could feel a little at peace even though a few days later they put them back on (if you want to remove them you are free to do so, you would do me a great favor)

I'm sorry I didn't clarify it very well and I'm really sorry for that but here's the reason, I ask for respect for my position and the minimum I do is respect it, NOT REPOSTING my past art anywhere else and simply not touching the subject again . thank you.

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