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Anon · 16d

what's your red flag?

Anon · 23d

Hi, Adrian. I'm not sure what to say, other than congrats on your relationship with her and my sincere wish for your happiness. A little tmi; for a long time, I've had a crush on you, and I'll keep admiring you from afar since I know there's nothing I can do to win you over. I hope this time around it lasts long and you both always happy. <3

Surprised me so much after reading this. Thank you for your wishes and for liking me for so long. I sincerely hope you meet someone who will really cherish and appreciate all that you have done.

Anon · 23d

Happy birthday the source of my happiness.

I hope I can give you more happiness since reading this really melts my heart and leaves me speechless. Thank you so much to whoever sent it.

Anon · 28d

If I can't have you, can I have your friend instead?

Anon · 28d

hahaha ya. ini boleh saya follow terus dm gak? no no, jangan khawatir saya gak akan bertindak jauh. just wanna chit-chat. -99

I wouldn't mind in the slightest if you decided to finally approach me and start a friendship. So, come to my dm and let's talk more.

Eden. · 30d

ABAAAAANG! Kamu kemanaa? semoga kamu engga apa-apa disana yaaa. <3

Anon · 1mo

nggak begitu suka ngegame, karna saya sibuk sama aktifitas rl udah kaya saya aja yang jadi pemain gamesnya. kamu suka ngegame apa emang? have a good day by the way ya. ayo, kapan-kapan kalo sudah kenal kita nonton bareng ya Adrian. -99

Kalo sekarang paling seringnya ngegame mole aja sih, itu juga karna lagi sibuk jarang banget maininnya. Boleh boleh, kebetulan genre film yang kita suka sama juga kan? Anyway, happy weekend ya, jangan lupa makan enak.

Anon · 1mo

hi sorry for the late respond. are you okay? do you need something? saya lihat akunnya di lock. lucky me, simpan link ini. biasanya kalo sulit tidur saya baca buku haha yang mikir gitu contohnya casw detective. tapi gak tau kalo kamu suka baca atau enggak. atau dengerin lagu? -99

I'm all good, no need to worry, I just want to lock my account for few days. Oh ya? Seru sih emang kalo cerita tentang detective gitu, cuman saya lebih prefer ke film atau series sih, kalo baca gak terlalu minat. Dengerin lagu iya banget, sama main game paling sih. Kamu suka ngegame?

Anon · 1mo

memang nungguin sih. tapi jangan dijadikan beban, saya suka kok nunggu kamu. kemarin berjalan baik tapi flat aja kaya biasanya. selamat hari senin Adrian. monday is gonna be a busy day, but are you busy for tonight? hehe -99

Unfortunately, yes. I'm so busy tonight, and now I can't sleep since I drank too much coffee today and don't know what to do at this hour, dammit. Would you mind sharing some advice on how to get rid of boredom at midnight?

Anon · 1mo

hi A. just woke up hehe. flat hari ini tapi karna kamu jadi well lumayan berkesan. not to be cheesy haha serius. panggil aja rockstar. gimana hari minggunya, Adrian? -99.

Well, I feel a little bit flattered right now, hahaha. Okay, rockstar. Oh iya minta maaf di atas materai baru sempet bales lagi dan bikin kamu nunggu (si pede). My sunday going really well, lebih banyak tidur tiduran nya mumpung libur. How about you?

Anon · 1mo

good morning Adrian. it’s saturday, happy weekend sunshine. -99.

Happy weekend, too! remember to treat yourself to something delicious and stay hydrated. Anyway, what shall I call you?

Anon · 1mo

i’m too shy to do it hahaha. keberatan atau risih gak saya begini aja? -99

Anon · 1mo

no of course not, wont regret it. teman saya mutualan sama kamu jadi saya tau kamu. always be yourself, it feels nice whenever u stalk your profile -99.

Anon · 1mo

you caught my attention for the first time, we are not mutuals (if u ask) have a good night. -99

This surprised me, especially coming from my non-mutuals. Anyway, thanks a lot and I'm hoping you won't regret after saying this.

Anon · 1mo

Hi Adrian, I really want to get close to you..

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