Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Hottake- there is NOT ENOUGH text in Arknights

I AGREE. Imagine the giant Near Light gave more space to the previous growth of Nearl with Followers or to Area 0. Imagine Dossoles focusing on Pancho and Pluma more and giving Mizuki anything to do. Imagine Break the Ice not forgetting the conflict Aurora had somewhere in the middle of the story and resolving it with something.And while it's not a size contest, and I don't know how much I'll like the current largest ZH... I see a direct connection that the Arknights event had with the quality and length of their events. Lonetrail is the most beloved event by many, and it's also the longest (I will fight for Ferdinand scenes, by the way). And giving the authors more space to write their thoughts out gave an opportunity for the atmosphere to build

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