Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Fav AK races? What's your headcanon for them?

Liberi. Birdpeople are peak. So many games have catgirls, bunnygirls etc., but how many consistently give you content of BIRD PEOPLE? Birds are peak. Too many Liberi? They're for me. HG gets it. There's nothing better than smooth feathers and cute wings and floof and more feathers.
Headcanons? Ok.
1. ALL LIBERI HAVE TAILS PERIOD. ASSFEATHERS!! If Mr. Nothing, Cantabile, and Fiammetta can have awesome tails, so can the others. We can't see Elysium's on his summer skin because he lost another bet to Thorns and got his tail cut. Firewhistle... I'LL JUST PRETEND IT'S THERE OKAY???
2. They do have a frail build compared to most races on Terra based on stronger animals. Which doesn't mean they can't train to become very strong like a mercenary like Totter or a martial arts master like Mr. Nothing. It's all training and good control though, so they're not getting compliments on extraordinary strength like Vouivres do. Unless some special techniques are involved like in Saint Carmen's case. On the other hand, they're admired in many places as "the pretty race". Which is... partially based on canon, because Walk in the Dust DOES have mention about a Victorian aristocrat bragging about getting "a Liberi maid" like it's a great thing.
3. For the above reasons, Liberi historically aren't that much respected around Terra like the Sanktas are. They're not discriminated against in particular, either. But their lack of much influence (except Iberia where they're the majority) is exactly the reason why they're grouped in one -huge- Liberi category from sparrows to griffins (similar to Sarkaz and their different types) and not thought about as separate like the dragon races or Perro-Vulpo-Lupo are.
4. For Liberi who have wings on the head, they can spread out when flustered like that Ceylon panel in the Operator comic. Important!!
5. For the feather-haired Liberi, the feathers floof up when they're flustered or enraged. Important!!
(Bonus: this is the reason why nowadays Gnosis does a haircut that attempts to hide his hair feathers as much as possible. Especially from a certain someone.)

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