Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hey i think you're a cool person for the most part, i followed you because we share same interests and i liked your takes on fandoms like fgo and ak, but the more i scroll your profile the more i think oh you shouldve mind your own business and dont casually rt or replying thinkpiece of other countries/cultures/religion/race. Seeing you seemingly agree on some biased, ignorant tweets from people that clearly dont know what happens in real life outside their own bubbles is sickening. Idm you replying or not

Okay. Difficult for me to comment when I don't know what exactly you're talking about. If I say something I'm wrong about, you're always free to discuss it and correct me. I may not know something and make mistakes. If it's something you disagree with me completely, blocking is okay too, that would be the most healthy way.

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