
Hobby artist on Twitter/X
Vidya Game enjoyer
Full-time Adachi Lover

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Anon! · 3mo

whats the question you really wanna answer?

Anon! · 3mo

how do you feel about AI art?

Anon! · 3mo

whats your favorite toppings on Ramen?

Anon! · 3mo

in the war between Disney and nickelodeon, wanna watch cartoon network with me?

Anon! · 3mo

did you watch the owl house?

Anon! · 3mo

how old are ur OC's?

Lilith (Lillie) is like, 50 if in the same universe as her kids

Ahras is like 22

Josephine is 24

Anon! · 3mo

would you eat worms if there was nothing else to eat?

Anon! · 3mo

what would you do if your OC was bitten by a radioactive spider?

Anon! · 3mo

if you were a pokemon, what would you be? and would you let me catch you?

Anon! · 3mo

Beep boop... Boop beep?

Translation: Are you... A robot?

Anon! · 3mo

When democracy calls, will you have the courage to be free?

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