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Curious Mermaids · 1y

What is the worst thing Prime have ever done?

Another interesting question but if you are referring to the animated series then the answer is that Prime committed physical and emotional torture as well as intentional homicide. In case you are referring to Prime from my headcanon, it is not far from those two illicit acts but I would also add sexual abuse but it would only focus on men because the mentality is that the man has his masculine pride and Prime simply " would" (see quotes) contradict his victim. I mean, have you read any Yaoi comics? There are some dialogues that really make me uncomfortable "You say you don't like what I do to you but your body says the opposite" basically Prime tortures his victim but don't think that Prime is enjoying it sexually, in fact it's quite the opposite, he's a monster curious and above all a lunatic... I hope you have understood me well, if not, don't hesitate to ask me again.

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