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Curious Mermaids · 1y

How did you get the idea to ship Mr. Sanchez and Rick Prime?

I'm not even going to lie to you, this question makes me nervous and before answering it I would like to say the following, friend, brother, mutual and followers, I know that some of you do not like problematic ships and if you read this answer I hope you can forgive me for making you feel uncomfortable .

In answer to your question, the idea arose from a story that I wanted to share with everyone but that, as time went by, I became discouraged. Rick is a psychopath and does not feel any emotion so Mr. Sanchez tries to make his son feel something for someone. Rick has always received the support of his father and to return the favor he tries to feel something for him but that "emotion" is distorted because he ends up falling in love with his own father.

Rick kills his parents but if it weren't for Mr. Sanchez's insistence, Rick's emotions would never come out.

That was the idea but currently I don't like that ship and I prefer Prime & Mr. Sanchez (C-137) who are not from the same dimension and are not related in any way since. Also, it should be clarified that that is my ship but don't think that Prime loves him, he doesn't really feel anything for Mr. Sanchez (C-137) he just likes to bother him.

So there is a second ship that I am trying to publish, whether it is the first chapter or the last, I don't know... I really like the design of Mr. Sanchez and especially Rick. I mean, currently my ship is based on the design is "because they look cute together" that's all.

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