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Curious Mermaids · 1y

What's your opinion on Morty x Rick and others ships in the fandom? Do you dislike or like them?

It's an interesting question, I think that all R&M ships are curious and it's incredible how they relate some interactions, whether in comics or in the animated series, to pretend that they are canon and that's quite cute (it makes me remember when I was a kid and I saw a scene and just because of that scene I justified the possibility that the characters had of being a couple haha).

In response to your next question, with all my desire to be honest and not disrespect anyone, I apologize, I don't like the famous R&M ships.

I apologize again, and I don't want to be misunderstood, I'm not against any of them because I don't see that content and some of my brothers know that I don't like those ships but they respect my tastes and I also respect theirs.

I'm in my bubble and I tend to be the typical user who only has eyes for one ship regardless of the fandom.

Sorry if I disrespect you, that's not my intention... sorry for not liking any of their ships.

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